News. What's happening at the North's Premier Embroidery Company? - Highland Embroidery Online Shop


You can view all the latest news and projects from Highland Embroidery below.

Campaigners Scotland

17 September 2008

We had been thinking about buying some attractive clothing and a new logo for our Campaigners in Scotland.

We contacted Highland Embroidery and gave them our initial sketches & ideas for a logo. They were able to take these and produce an attractive & practical embroidered design for us to put on our clothing. They also supplied us with samples of clothing to choose from.

New BMW Logo to go!

10 September 2008
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris sodales, erat eu commodo bibendum, velit tortor suscipit lectus, id semper lorem nisl vitae diam. Vestibulum semper ullamcorper quam. Vivamus cursus porttitor quam. Phasellus eget orci vestibulum nisi feugiat aliquam. Donec dolor felis, volutpat vel, aliquet eu, condimentum sed, justo.

Duis vestibulum vestibulum leo. Vivamus malesuada bibendum lorem. Donec orci pede, pellentesque a, fermentum quis, facilisis quis, ante. Curabitur eget neque vitae felis feugiat scelerisque. Vivamus non purus. Sed sit amet dui ut eros posuere volutpat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus ut diam nec nulla lobortis vestibulum. Donec pellentesque turpis sit amet massa. Suspendisse vel mauris ornare orci interdum hendrerit. Curabitur diam leo, elementum a, pretium sed, placerat id, sapien. Maecenas arcu elit, elementum in, euismod et, placerat at, magna. Duis aliquet, lorem in fringilla bibendum, est dui commodo turpis, vel lacinia ipsum ante vitae tortor. Nulla blandit tempus lectus. Vestibulum scelerisque venenatis nisi.
15 February 2025 ~ View Current News

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Latest Projects

CAMPAIGNERS SCOTLAND. We had been thinking about buying some attractive clothing and a new logo for our Campaigners in Scotland. We contacted Full Story >>

Happy Clients...

We've been calling on Highland Embroidery to badge our football strips for some time now.Read More >>


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Highland Embroidery, “Windy Heights”, Tomich, Lairg, Sutherland IV27 4DQ